
14 Mar, 2011

Important Notice about the Safety of UTCP Members

Since the terrible earthquake hit Japan on March 11, 2011, we have received many messages from our colleagues abroad in France, China, Korea, Argentina, U.S.A., Israel and other countries, all inquiring about our safety. We appreciate your kind concerns and encouragements. It is fortunate that we can tell you that all UTCP members and our families are miraculously safe. The aftershocks of the earthquake and its many consequences are ongoing. We have to remain attentive to what is happening henceforth. We look forward to the day when we can dialogue with our fellow colleagues about this catastrophe in Japan as an important philosophical agenda. Once again, we would like to express our sincere gratitude to you, for being together with us.

March 13, 2011
Yasuo Kobayashi and Takahiro Nakajima

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